Fulya Kalafatoglu – Associate Partner

Fulya Kalafatoglu has worked in the financial industry for over twenty years, in particular in the tourism sector. After completing her studies in London, she obtained management, financial, development and investment experience on an international level in various roles in a number of outstanding companies. As Kylla’s country manager in Turkey since 2002, Fulya has proved herself to be an important bridge between Turkey’s entrepreneurs and Western European investors. Fulya has a proven transaction track record accumulated over many years, and her expertise includes negotiating skills, transaction sourcing, market knowledge and interpersonal power.

When not doing her best for Kylla clients, Fulya loves to do traditional Greek dancing and enjoy the vibrant city of Istanbul with her twin daughters and friends.

“Business Beyond Borders to me means bringing the rich heritage of the Turkish culture into the business world. It is about raising the bar in financial solutions and making a return on investment beyond expectations. It is also about business development and pushing local companies to a professional international level; about combining friendship with doing business and having staying power beyond imagination.”

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