Teun de Koning – Investment Analyst

Teun is an ambitious individual with a strong foundation in business administration. Having a degree in Secondary Vocational Education, Entrepreneur Retail Management, and a bachelor’s in Business Administration from Avans University of Applied Sciences, Teun is currently pursuing a pre-master in Business Administration, demonstrating a commitment to continuous learning and academic excellence.

With a keen insight into business improvement strategies and a curious mind for finance, Teun brings valuable skills to the table. The academic journey has equipped them with the tools to navigate the complex landscape of business dynamics and contribute meaningfully to the field.

Teun’s greatest passion is playing football, and he is a true team player. Additionally, Teun is a sporty individual who loves challenges.

In 2021, Teun completed an internship at Kylla, and after two years, he returned, bringing with him enriched experiences and a deeper understanding of the industry.

“To me, “Business beyond borders” signifies challenging both personal and client limits, embracing the seemingly impossible, and persevering because genuine commitment paves the way for success.”

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